"package's (will) reference to AI. That labeling may be the next 'as seen on TV' or 'new and improved,' pushed upon us in such volume that it achieves innocuity or cliche."
There is concern amongst officials in the US and UK about companies overstating the ability of artificial intelligence to improve products. In some instances it’s unclear whether artificial intelligence is being used at all.
And there is the rub. Just like "new and improved," the outcome regarding products and services in the coming days may be less than advertised. The lure of AI may draw us to products or services that are not actually AI. We might also be drawn to products that are legitimately AI and yet disappoint us nonetheless. Both tracks will lead consumers through the “trough of disillusionment.”
The paths are distinct. Whether we are misled or oversold, there is the real potential for our disappointment to hinder the adoption of AI advances. Frustration of expectation can be powerful deterrent. In parallel, our reluctance to adopt and accept may in turn frustrate the investment in and development of useful and imperative AI applications. Just as excitement and anticipation may drive upward spirals, so might disillusionment spiral us down.
That leaves us little comfort. We can invest in disappointment with the expectation of coming genuine innovation. Or we can loiter on the sidelines, avoiding charlatans and puffers, and in the process, we will impede both the good and the bad developers without discretion.
In a view back on history, I am certain this is not new. Some invested in Hudsons, Edsels, and worse. They fell prey to the marketers and puffers. Others were not so susceptible.
Others brought true innovation, like the Tucker. Despite the genuine and ingenious technical innovations it offered, its impacts generally came to the broad market years later in other automobiles.
The history is easily found and cited. The "trough" is a real potential. How it and the other Gartner analyses impact AI and our near-term future remains to be seen.
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