Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Florida' Supreme Court in Workers' Compensation

Florida workers' compensation has recently seen various supreme court decisions. Perhaps 2016 was most noteworthy, with Castellanos and Westphal. These are seen as significantly impacting the Florida system, and I hear them discussed by "insiders" of workers' compensation across the country. There are those who contend that 2016 was significant as much for First District Court decisions in cases like Miles v. City of Edgewater, 190 So.3d 171 (Fla. 1st DCA 2016) and Jones v. Food Lion, 202 So.3d 964 (Fla. 1st DCA 2016). 

But, the Supreme Court cases have led to conversations. One question I hear repeatedly is "how often does the Florida Supreme Court become involved in workers' compensation disputes?" That is an interesting question. One to which I have had no real answer. It is noteworthy that Florida Supreme Court involvement was more common in the early days of Florida workers' compensation.

As originally structured, the Florida dispute process was within the jurisdiction of a commission, the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC). The Commission was ultimately responsible for deciding disputes. Initially, the IRC held hearings for those disputes. Later, to facilitate that process, it employed "deputy commissioners," which were essentially similar in responsibilities to our modern Judges of Compensation Claims. Those deputies would hold hearings, consider evidence, and render rulings. If a party was unsatisfied with the outcome, it would appeal the decision to the IRC.

After Florida enacted workers' compensation in 1935, the first reference I can find to the Florida Supreme Court is Maryland Casualty v. Sutherland, 168 So.2d 679 (Fla. 1936). It describes that a party dissatisfied with the ruling of the IRC would appeal that decision to the Circuit Court (Florida's court of general jurisdiction). And, if dissatisfied with the Circuit Court decision, the party could then resort to review by the Florida Supreme Court. Of course, there were no other appellate courts in Florida at the time. It would not be until 1957 that the Florida legislature would create three District Courts of Appeal (Florida now has five).

In Sutherland, the Circuit Court affirmed the IRC order of death benefits under the new workers' compensation law (enacted in 1935), following the worker's injury and death on October 6, 1935. Florida was not among the first to legislate workers' compensation. In fact, though Florida was not last (sorry Mississippi), it was in the last five states. Thus, many states had been limiting recovery for injured workers by statutory provision of benefits for years before Sutherland was litigated under Florida's "new law."

The Court in Sutherland noted however that it had been unsuccessful in finding any "precedent for us to follow in the law of workmen's (sic) compensation." The Court noted that there was no statutory provision for who should receive death benefits if a worker died without dependents as Sutherland had. The Court concluded death benefits must be nonetheless payable to the worker's estate. Its analysis was that if no death benefits were payable without dependents, "then the industry could seize upon this situation and place such men in the most hazardous places of work, knowing that if they were killed, it would cost industry nothing." Some might find that cynical?

The first constitutional challenge to Florida workers' compensation happened the next month in State ex. rel. Jacksonville Gas Co. v. Lewis, 170 So.2d 306 (Fla. 1936). This was a challenge regarding the title of the law and its contents. The challenger contended section 39 of the act was not as described in the title, and thus unconstitutional. The Supreme Court disagreed and concluded the law did not run afoul of the state constitution. 

Time passed, and Florida workers' compensation evolved. Circuit Court involvement was removed and appeals from the IRC went directly to the Supreme Court. In 1979, the legislature enacted Section 440.217 and vested jurisdiction for workers' compensation appeals in the Florida First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee. That designation was affirmed by the Florida Supreme Court in 1980 in Rollins v. Southern Bell, 384 So.2d 650 (Fla 1980). The IRC was later abolished in 1979, the Office of Judges of Compensation Claims (OJCC) was created in the Department of Labor and Employment Security (DLES), and the litigation process remains similar to this day (except for the abolishing of DLES and the transfer of the OJCC to the Division of Administrative Hearings in 2001. 

So, until 1979, the Florida Supreme Court would be expected to have had more frequent involvement in workers' compensation. A database search revealed 337 decisions of the Florida Supreme Court that mentioned either "workers' compensation" or "workmens' compensation." That second one is clearly genderist, and that phrase has now been removed from Chapter 440, but historic decisions might nonetheless use that term. 

Of those 337, 102 are clearly not related to substantive workers' compensation issues. These include various rule revision decisions, Florida Bar complaint decisions, and even a few related to the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Fund. These mention "workers' compensation," and were therefore in the search results but were excluded from the final analysis. The distribution of the remaining 235 reported cases are as follows: 

From this cursory analysis (without reading all of the individual cases), one might conclude that 2016 was above average for published Florida Supreme Court decisions mentioning workers' compensation; the average over the last 40 years is 6 per year. Some will read the 2016 cases listed below and conclude some are not appropriately included. But, undertaking that in-depth analysis of any particular year would only be appropriate if such analysis were performed for each of the 235 cases. Since that is not undertaken for all years, scrutiny of any single year is not appropriate in this "overview" analysis. 

And, one might conclude that Florida Supreme Court published decisions that mention workers' compensation are decreasing in volume. Dividing the last 40 years (since the abolition of the IRC, and the advent of First District Court jurisdiction) into four decades affords support for that conclusion. Though the most recent decade included 2018, which is now only half-concluded), the average of 2.5 Supreme Court cases per year is notably lower than any prior ten-year period.

It is thus perhaps difficult to conclude that Florida Supreme Court workers' compensation written decisions are increasing. Certainly, 2016 was above that overall average, with 7 published opinions. However, that volume would nonetheless appear to be an exception for that ten-year period, and not the rule. For those who might want to count themselves, the data relied upon is below.

91. Eady v. Medical Personnel Pool  1979

229. Crippen v. Sunland Center 1979

237. Highsmith v. Woodson 1979

242. Tinsley v. City of St. Petersburg 1979

1. International Paper Co. v. McKinney 1980

23. Rollins v. Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co. 1980

57. Samaha v. State 1980

113. Strother v. Morrison Cafeteria 1980

115. Croft v. Pinkerton-Hayes Lumber Co. 1980

122. Redding v. Cobia Boat Co. 1980

127. Kerce v. Coca-Cola Company-Foods Division 1980

154. Media General Corp. v. Curry 1980

157. American Bankers Ins. Co. v. Little 1980

162. American Beryllium Co. v. Stringer 1980

186. D’Angelo Plastering Co. v. Isaac 1980

200. Favre v. Capeletti Bros., Inc. 1980

211. Special Disability Trust Fund v. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. 1980

249. Fuller Lumber Co. v. Parler 1980

86. Houle v. Asphalt Sealing and Stripping Co., Inc. 1981

110. Hacker v. St. Petersburg Kennel Club 1981

114. Motchkavitz v. L. C. Boggs Industries, Inc. 1981

132. City of Miami v. Rosenberg 1981

155. Iglesia v. Floran 1981

160. Silvera v. Miami Wholesale Grocery, Inc. 1981

172. Wright v. Gulf and Western Food Products 1981

220. Oglesby v. Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co. 1981

288. Cauley v. City of Jacksonville 1981

142. Lovett v. Gore Newspapers Co. 1982

161. Gulfstream Land & Development Corp. v. Wilkerson 1982

8. Mahoney v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 1983

17. Acton v. Fort Lauderdale Hosp. 1983

20. Employers Ins. of Wausau v. Abernathy 1983

35. Smith v. Piezo Technology and Professional Adm’rs 1983

70. Sosa v. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Inc. 1983

109. Caravasios v. M.W. Spates Const. Co. 1983

141. Prahl Bros., Inc. v. Phillips 1983

78. Sasso v. Ram Property Management 1984

100. Nikko Gold Coast Cruises v. Gulliford 1984

138. Norwood Shell, Inc. v. Forbing 1984

139. Morain v. Publix Supermarket 1984

140. Rudolph v. Miami Dolphins, Ltd. 1984

164. Kimbrell v. Paige 1984

34. Aetna Ins. Co. v. Norman 1985

60. Newton v. McCotter Motors, Inc. 1985

65. O’Neil v. Department of Transp. 1985

105. L.M. Duncan & Sons, Inc. v. City of Clearwater 1985

111. Booher v. Pepperidge Farm, Inc. 1985

117. Orr v. Trask 1985

118. Acosta v. Kraco, Inc. 1985

137. Mobil v. Trask 1985

156. Travieso v. Travieso 1985

173. Bredy v. Turner Patrol & Detective Agency, Inc. 1985

308. Everton v. Willard 1985

2. Shipp v. Workers’ Compensation Admin. Trust Fund 1986

48. Fisher v. Shenandoah Gen. Const. Co. 1986

53. Lawton v. Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. 1986

75. Daniel v. Holmes Lumber Co. 1986

133. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Boynton 1986

136. International Hosp. v. Seymour 1986

143. City of Fort Lauderdale v. Sledge 1986

144. Farm Stores, Inc. v. Harvey 1986

266. Florida Steel Corp. v. Adaptable Developments, Inc. 1986

116. Dayron Corp. v. Morehead 1987

125. Streeter v. Sullivan 1987

167. Coon v. Continental Ins. Co. 1987

171. Crittenden Orange Blossom Fruit v. Stone 1987

185. Brackenridge v. Ametek, Inc. 1987

226. Clausell v. Hobart Corp. 1987

286. Dionese v. City of West Palm Beach 1987

72. Tarver v. Evergreen Sod Farms, Inc. 1988

99. Scott v. Otis Elevator Co. 1988

119. Nikula v. Michigan Mut. Ins. 1988

158. Harris v. State 1988

208. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. v. Chambers 1988

293. Barron v. Florida Freedom Newspapers, Inc. 1988

12. Byrd v. Richardson-Greenshields Securities, Inc. 1989

19. Barragan v. City of Miami 1989

32. Gator Freightways, Inc. v. Roberts 1989

38. Weisfeld v. Weisfeld 1989

63. Department of Public Health, Div. of Risk Management v. Wilcox 1989

77. Leon County School Bd. v. Grimes 1989

98. De Ayala v. Florida Farm Bureau Cas. Ins. Co. 1989

106. Cypress Creek Nursery v. Eagle 1989

149. USS Agri-Chemicals, a Div. of USX Corp. v. Waddell 1989

230. Hullinger v. Ryder Truck Rental, Inc. 1989

275. State v. Simpson 1989

18. Theis v. City of Miami 1990

41. Manfredo v. Employer’s Cas. Ins. Co. 1990

66. Scott v. Otis Elevator Co. 1990

102. D.L. Cullifer and Son, Inc. v. Martinez 1990

120. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services v. Bonanno 1990

148. Halifax Paving, Inc. v. Scott & Jobalia Const. Co., Inc. 1990

190. Frazier v. Baker Material Handling Corp. 1990

235. Shelby Mut. Ins. Co. of Shelby, Ohio v. Smith 1990

285. Thornber v. City of Ft. Walton Beach 1990

310. Standard Guar. Ins. Co. v. Quanstrom 1990

37. Martinez v. Scanlan 1991

134. Roe v. City Investing/General Development Corp. 1991

176. In re Estate of Platt 1991

180. Gormley v. GTE Products Corp. 1991

196. Florida Power Corp. v. Seminole County 1991

280. Chiles v. Children A, B, C, D, E, and F 1991

25. Mandico v. Taos Const., Inc. 1992

49. University of Florida v. Massie 1992

56. Sibley v. Adjustco, Inc. 1992

88. City of Holmes Beach v. Grace 1992

121. Holder v. Keller Kitchen Cabinets 1992

175. Michigan Millers Mut. Ins. Co. v. Bourke 1992

247. Melendez v. State 1992

265. Georgia Insurers Insolvency Pool v. Brewer 1992

291. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Acosta 1992

36. Eller v. Shova 1993

59. Commercial Coatings of Northwest Florida, Inc. v. Pensacola Concrete Const. Co., Inc. 1993

62. Weber v. Dobbins 1993

83. Lee v. City of Jacksonville 1993

90. Cash v. Universal Rivet, Inc. 1993

92. Garcia v. Carmar Structural, Inc. 1993

130. Allied-Signal, Inc. v. Fox 1993

147. University of Miami v. Echarte 1993

314. Dimmitt Chevrolet, Inc. v. Southeastern Fidelity Ins. Corp. 1993

47. Zundell v. Dade County School Bd. 1994

82. Jones v. Chiles 1994

108. City of Miami v. Bell 1994

197. Weygant v. Fort Myers Lincoln Mercury, Inc. 1994

212. Thompson v. State 1994

320. Department of Revenue v. Kuhnlein 1994

3. Ramos v. Univision Holdings, Inc. 1995

43. Williams v. Fort Pierce Tribune and Claims Center 1995

68. Keith v. News & Sun-Sentinel Co. 1995

74. Holmes County School Bd. v. Duffell 1995

95. Clair v. Glades County Bd. of Com’rs 1995

193. Keith v. News & Sun-Sentinel Co. 1995

257. De La Rosa v. Zequeira 1995

24. Barry v. Burdines 1996

103. Domino’s Pizza v. Gibson 1996

128. Millinger v. Broward County Mental Health Div. and Risk Management 1996

181. Cramer v. Broedell Plumbing Supply 1996

206. Department of Educ. v. Roe 1996

281. In re Estate of Smith 1996

306. Acosta v. Richter 1996

312. Kinney System, Inc. v. Continental Ins. Co. 1996

313. Coalition for Adequacy and Fairness in School Funding, Inc. v. Chiles 1996

4. Hastings v. Demming 1997

11. Broward v. Jacksonville Medical Center 1997

61. Escambia County Sheriff’s Dept. v. Grice 1997

93. Recchi America Inc. v. Hall 1997

227. Galen of Florida, Inc. v. Braniff 1997

252. Forgione v. Dennis Pirtle Agency, Inc. 1997

260. Murray v. Department of Transp. 1997

284. Y.H. Investments, Inc. v. Godales 1997

299. State v. Mark Marks, P.A. 1997

21. Florida Dept. of Corrections v. Culver 1998

39. Lee v. Wells Fargo Armored Services 1998

89. Wal-Mart Stores v. Campbell 1998

182. Rea v. 7-11 Stores/Southland Corp. 1998

192. Paulk v. Palm Beach County School Bd. 1998

201. Mims v. Lipton Toyota, Inc. 1998

15. Deen v. Quantum Resources, Inc. 1999

85. City of Clearwater v. Acker 1999

169. Boulis v. Florida Dept. of Transp. 1999

26. Turner v. PCR, Inc. 2000

30. City of Hollywood v. Lombardi 2000

71. Dixon v. GAB Business Services, Inc. 2000

123. U.S. Sec. Ins. Co. v. Cimino 2000

177. Salters v. State 2000

202. Florida Dept. of Transp. v. Johns 2000

207. Florida Plastering v. Alderman 2000

217. Rollins v. Pizzarelli 2000

267. Trapp v. State 2000

268. Nationwide Mut. Fire Ins. Co. v. Pinnacle Medical, Inc. 2000

297. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Rudnick 2000

28. Florida Dept. of Labor & Employment Sec. v. Boise Cascade Corp. 2001

64. State v. Herny 2001

69. Swartz v. McDonald’s Corp. 2001

94. Jones v. ETS of New Orleans, Inc. 2001

97. Gilbert v. Publix Supermarkets, Inc. 2001

112. Florida Dept. of Transp. v. Juliano 2001

129. Florida HRS Dist. II v. Pickard 2001

178. Ford v. Conklin 2001

179. Florida Dept. of Transp. v. Hogan 2001

221. Florida Power Corp. v. Garcia 2001

294. Mitchell v. Moore 2001

302. United Auto. Ins. Co. v. Rodriguez 2001

10. U.S. Sugar Corp. v. Henson 2002

248. Coregis Ins. Co. v. Mosquito Control Special Taxing Dist. 2002

276. Alterra Healthcare Corp. v. Estate of Shelley 2002

300. Roberts ex rel. Estate of Roberts v. Tejada 2002

166. Humana Worker’s Compensation Services v. Home Emergency Services, Inc. 2003

241. Grenitz v. Tomlian 2003

33. Reeves v. Fleetwood Homes of Florida, Inc. 2004

40. Taylor v. School Bd. of Brevard County 2004

44. Travelers Indem. Co. v. PCR Inc. 2004

9. Aguilera v. Inservices, Inc. 2005

22. Florida Div. Of Workers’ Compensation v. Cagnoli 2005

213. Malu v. Security Nat. Ins. Co. 2005

219. Maggio v. Florida Dept. of Labor and Employment Security 2005

316. Acker v. Acker 2005

13. Jones v. Martin Electronics, Inc. 2006

31. Aravena v. Miami-Dade County 2006

124. Steadman v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. 2006

184. Summit Claims Management, Inc. v. Lawyers Exp. Trucking, Inc. 2006

277. Schmidt v. McDonough 2006

27. Bakerman v. The Bombay Co., Inc. 2007

231. Florida Dept. of Corrections v. Abril 2007

29. Sanders v. City Of Orlando 2008

96. Murray v. Mariner Health 2008

183. Rigaud v. Broward General Medical Center 2008

216. Phantom of Brevard, Inc. v. Brevard County 2008

225. Deren v. State 2008

321. Florida Hosp. Waterman, Inc. v. Buster 2008

191. Saleeby v. Rocky Elson Const., Inc. 2009

52. Bifulco v. Patient Business & Financial Services, Inc. 2010

58. Florida’s Sheriff’s Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Fund v. Florida Dept. of Financial Services 2010

218. Menendez v. Progressive Exp. Ins. Co., Inc. 2010

234. Perera v. U.S. Fidelity and Guar. Co. 2010

243. Florida Dept. of State v. Mangat 2010

278. Wald v. Grainger 2011

279. Bionetics Corp. v. Kenniasty 2011

174. Petty v. Florida Ins. Guar. Ass’n 2012

209. City of Palm Bay v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 2013

223. Geico Gen. Ins. Co. v. Virtual Imaging Services, Inc. 2013

244. Franks v. Bowers  2013

6. Morales v. Zenith Ins. Co. 2014

79. Palm Const. Co. of West Florida v. Florida Dept. of Financial Services, Div. of Workers’ Compensation 2015

45. Richardson v. Aramark/Sedgwick CMS  2016

46. Westphal v. City of St. Petersburg 2016

51. Castellanos v. Next Door Co. 2016

153. Pfeffer v. Labor Ready Southeast, Inc. 2016

210. Diaz v. Palmetto General Hosp. 2016

282. Paton v. GEICO General Ins. Co. 2016

295. M.M. v. Florida Dept. of Children and Families 2016

16. Stewart v. Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association 2017

87. Weaver v. Myers 2017

296. Allstate Insurance Company v. Orthopedic Specialists 2017

304. Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley, etc. v. State 2017

Not Included in Calculations 

131. In re Florida Workers’ Compensation Rules of Procedure 1979

50. In re Florida Workers’ Compensation Rules 1980

269. In re Florida Rules of Judicial Administration 1980

188. In re Certificate of Judicial Manpower 1980

168. The Florida Bar v. Samaha 1981

273. The Florida Bar Re Amendment to Bylaws 1981

317. The Florida Bar 1982

165. The Florida Bar v. Wooten 1984

287. The Florida Bar v. Lancaster 1984

81. The Florida Bar 1984

145. The Florida Bar v. Kirtz 1984

290. Florida Patient’s Compensation Fund v. Rowe 1985

301. The Florida Bar re Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 1986

322. In re Certificate of Judicial Manpower for District Courts of Appeal, Circuit Courts and County Courts, as Required by Article V, Section 9, Florida Constitution 1986

7. The Florida Bar Re Amendment to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 6-8.3, 6-85, and Florida Bar, The, Re Amendment to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 6-8.3, 6-8.5, and 6-11 1987

238. The Florida Bar v. Tunsil 1987

307. In re Amendments to Rules of Civil Procedure 1988

67. The Florida Bar 1988

104. The Florida Bar Re Amendment to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar Chapter 6 (Legal Specialization and Educ.) 1989

187. The Florida Bar v. Flinn 1991

199. In re Certification of Judicial Manpower 1991

55. Amendments to Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 1992

150. The Florida Bar Re: Amendment to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 1992

259. In re Florida Rules of Family Court Procedure 1992

262. In re Certification of Judicial Manpower 1992

263. The Florida Bar re Amendment to Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 1992

272. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 1992

334. The Florida Bar Re: Amendment to Florida Rules of Judicial Admin. 1992

337. In re Amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1992

204. In re Certification of Judgeships 1993

258. The Florida Bar v. Mitchell 1994

76. Amendments to Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation 1995

84. In re Amendments to the Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 1995

255. The Florida Bar re Amendments to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 1995

233. In re Family Law Rules of Procedure 1995

54. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 1996

80. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Ass’n v. McKaughan 1996

151. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 1996

152. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 1996

253. In re Certification of Need for Additional Judges 1996

324. In re Amendments to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 1996

214. The Florida Bar v. Spann 1996

5. In re Amendments to the Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 1997

274. In re Certification of the Need for Additional Judges 1997

327. The Florida Bar re Amendments to Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 1997

256. Amendments to Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure 1998

264. The Florida Bar v. Sweeney 1998

271. The Florida Bar re Williams 1998

309. In re Amendments to the Florida Family Law Rules 1998

107. The Florida Bar v. Sayler 1998

73. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 2000

170. Amendments to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 2000

189. The Florida Bar v. Buckle 2000

222. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Judicial Admin. 2000

311. In re Amendments to the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure 2000

318. Amendments To The Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure and Family Law Forms 2000

328. Amendments to the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 2000

270. Amendments to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 2001

315. Amendments to the Florida Family Law Forms 2001

42. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 2002

159. Amendments to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 2002

228. Amendment to Florida Rule of Judicial Admin. 2.130 2002

333. In re Report of Supreme Court Workgroup on Public Records 2002

336. Amendments to Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 2002

101. The Florida Bar v. Kelly 2002

254. Amendments to the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure 2003

261. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Judicial Admin. (2-Year Cycle) 2003

14. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure 2004

251. In re Approval of Form For Use By Clerks of the Circuit Courts Pursuant to Rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 2004

289. Amendment to the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 2004

126. Amendments to the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 2005

198. In re Amendments to The Rules of Judicial Admin. (Two-Year Cycle) 2005

240. In re Approval of Application for Determination of Indigent Status Forms for Use By Clerks 2005

305. The Florida Bar v. Shankman 2005

319. In re Amendments to the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure-Conform Rules to 2004 Legislation 2005

335. In re Amendments to the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 2005

135. In re Amendments to The Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure (Out of Cycle) 2006

246. In re Amendments to the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure (Out of Cycle) 2006

163. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Ass’n v. Florida Div. of Administrative Hearings 2007

239. In re Amendments to the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 2007

250. In re Approval of Application For Determination of Indigent Status Forms For Use By Clerks And Amendment To Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.984 2007

205. The Florida Bar v. Varner 2008

215. Florida House of Representatives v. Crist 2008

245. In re Approval of Application for Determination of Indigent Status Form for Use by Clerks and Amendment to Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.984 2009

283. In re Amendments to the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 2009

303. The Florida Bar v. Head 2010

195. In re Standard Jury Instructions In Civil Cases-Report No. 09-01 (Reorganization of the Civil Jury Instructions) 2010

224. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 2011

330. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, Florida Probate Rules, Florida Small Claims Rules, Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure--Electronic Filing 2012

331. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, Florida Probate Rules, Florida Small Claims Rules, Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, and Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure--Electronic Filing 2012

146. Citizens Property Ins. Corp. v. San Perdido Ass’n, Inc. 2012

292. In re Standard Jury Instructions in Civil Cases--Report No. 2011-01 (Unlawful Retaliation) 2012

232. Samples v. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Comp. Ass’n 2013

329. In re Amendments to Rules Regulating the Florida Bar--Subchapter 4-7, Lawyer Advertising Rules 2013

203. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 2014

298. The Florida Bar v. Gass 2014

323. In re Amendments to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar (Biennial Report) 2014

325. In re Amendments to Rules Regulating the Florida Bar (Biennial Petition Housekeeping) 2015

326. In re Amendments To Florida Evidence Code 2017

332. In re Amendments to Rules Regulating The Florida Bar (Biennial Petition) 2017

194. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 2017

236. In re Standard Jury Instructions in Civil Cases-Report No. 17-04 2017