Saturday, July 9, 2016

OJCC Has a New Website!

We have a new OJCC website! It is being deployed July 9 or 10, 2016.

Change can be challenging. It can be upsetting, disruptive, and costly. So, before we change, it is important to make sure there is a reason for change. I have watched the Internet evolve over the years. When the Office of Judges of Compensation Claims (OJCC) was migrated to the Division of Administrative Hearings in 2001, it did not have a website. In those early months, a great deal of effort went into establishing a web presence. Over the years, that “green marble” website has been built upon, added to, renovated, and rebuilt.

Technology changes though. We see websites, visually, in a similar way in 2016, but in fact the architecture and structure underlying what we see has evolved. A big part of that is the ever- growing use of mobile devices. A major portion of website visitors today are using mobile devices. The website presence needs to accommodate these users. With these evolutions, it made sense to program a new website using modern architecture and tools. This will enhance the experience for all, and will be particularly helpful for mobile users. 

So, the OJCC has modernized. Gone are the green marble header and tan background. Here now is a new and vibrant website with cleaner lines, and some organizational improvements. And, the new “blue banner” website is more compatible with mobile devices. For the most part, the same information and resources are available, but it may be located a little differently.

For example, the old website had two search boxes on the front page, one for JCC orders and one for “quick search” of OJCC case numbers. On the new site, the “case quick view” for case numbers remains, in the upper left corner. But the JCC orders search has been moved to our new “Quick Links” menu that runs down the left margin. Also, the main links in the top banner are concise and handy references. Their placement at the top of the page is particularly helpful in the mobile setting.

The new “Quick Links” list down the left margin lists most of the categories that you are used to from the old “green marble” site. The category names are not identical in every regard, but they are similar. The information remains though, and in some instances has been enhanced or refined.

There is also a handy site map added at the bottom of the new page. This has repetition of some other access methods, and some additional information. We encourage everyone to be aware of the “holidays” link. For the most part, the holidays for all Florida Executive Branch offices, like the OJCC, are posted by the Department of Management Services. This link will assist you in planning ahead for our office closures. Occasionally, the Governor may close the offices by Executive Order also. When that happens, we will alert our e-JCC users and provide publicity on this new website.

One thing users may notice will be shortcuts. You may have created shortcuts on your computer, so that you could click an icon and it would quickly lead you to some portion of our website. These shortcuts to our old website may no longer point to the same spots on our new site (they may not point anywhere and could result in "not found" error messages). We realize that this change may require you to make some new website shortcuts, and apologize for any inconvenience.

As with all updates, we are committed to facilitating a better service to Floridians. If you are unable to locate information, resources or materials on the new website, and need assistance, please email me We will do our best to answer your questions, and this blog post may be periodically updated in coming days, as necessary, to add answers to commonly asked questions about the new site.

Welcome to our new website! We hope it will be a tool that assists you in understanding and navigating our workers’ compensation adjudication and mediation processes. Our thanks to DOAH CIO Susan Brown, web-programmer Jeff Russell, OJCC Counsel Stephanie Hayes, OJCC Clerk Manager Julie Hunsaker, and the whole OJCC team for developing this new tool. Big projects involve a great deal of effort and many hands, eyes, ideas and more. Thanks to all involved for their focus, dedication, imagination and effort that has resulted in this new paradigm!