Sunday, May 24, 2015

Who Reads This Stuff

The world of the Internet is a curious and interesting place. The blog you are reading is an infinitesimally small part of an incredibly vast assortment of data and information out there for consumption.

Who reads this material? Well obviously you do. But who are you and how did you get here. Part of the benefit of the Internet is the dissemination of information. But an ancillary benefit is the gathering of data. Google Blogger is the platform that I selected to blog. There are a number of free platforms on the web, and this one just seemed to work for me (O.K., I admit that it was reasonably easy to use and I got started with it and stuck with it as a creature of habit).

So who are you? The analytical tools on this platform tell me that about 69% of you are from the United States. The programming does not break it down more than that. I would suspect that most of you are from Florida. But at only 69%, that leaves a great deal, almost a third of you, that are not.

My second largest audience is from Russia, almost 16%. I was surprised by that. To my knowledge there is no wokers' compensation system per se in Russia. The third largest audience is France (6%), then Great Britain (3%), and then Germany (2%). About one percent each come from India, Ukraine, Taiwan, and China. I found that assortment astounding for a blog centered on workers' compensation, and more specifically Florida.

How did you get here? Forty-six percent of you got here through a Google search; Another 18% from a LinkedIn post. That is almost two-thirds from two sources. The OJCC website has a link to the blog. Twenty percent of you reached this platform on that referral. Facebook was the source of almost another 12%, and I am not even on Facebook. Bing brought in almost another 4%. 

What software are you using? Well 33% of you are using Chrome, twenty-six percent Firefox, 24% Internet Explorer, and 12% explorer. That is 95% on essentially three software platforms. Then a handful of you are running software like Opera, Samsung and GSA.

It is indeed interesting to see who is accessing these thoughts and how you are doing it. Is there a better illustration of the simple fact that information is becoming increasingly simple to access? 

In the early days of the Internet, and since, we all have used a wide variety of search engines, AOL, Alta Vista, WebCrawler, Yahoo, Ask, and Bing? But at least in this little non-scientific study, we do not see these platforms. 

I find it interesting that you are such a diverse audience in terms of your location, how you found this, and how you are accessing it. Thanks for reading. I hope the information is as interesting to you.