Monday, February 11, 2013

DAY Nominees Named

The Statewide Judicial Nominating Commission met February 11, 2013 in Orlando.

Four Judges sought nomination for reappointment. Judges Beck (SAR), Hill (GNS), Remsnyder (MEL) and Roesch (PMC) were unanimously nominated for reappointment to their respective positions.

A fine group of applicants sought nomination to the position of Judge of  Compensation Claims in Daytona. The Commission has had the chance to interview several of these individuals before as recent vacancies occurred in Jacksonville, Melbourne, and Lakeland.

I am consistently struck by the tremendous level of experience that comes to the table when we have an OJCC vacancy.  The volume of applicants is variable, but the quality is consistent. I am encouraged when individuals with this level of experience, in comp and in life, are willing to step forward and undertake what I think is one of the most professionally rewarding careers in law.

After a long day of interviews, the Commission voted to nominate Wilbur Anderson of Daytona Beach, Robert Dietz and Steven Pyle, both of Orlando. To have prevailed in this interview process, against such stellar completion is worthy of compliment. However, all of the applicants are to be complimented for their willingness to serve and commitment to our system.

The next step in this process will be interviews at the Governor’s Office. If you have a perspective to share regarding these nominees, I encourage you to write to Governor Scott. If you do not engage in the process, it is hard to expect to be heard later if you are disappointed in the outcome.