Saturday, March 10, 2012

Changes at the OJCC for Fiscal Year 2013

The budget has been passed, and I do not believe that there is any realistic potential that the Governor will veto any portion relative to the OJCC.  This means that we will begin fiscal 2013 on July 1, 2012 with five fewer employee positions. The legislature has removed one judicial position and four mediator positions from the OJCC.

I spoke on Friday directly with each of the employees whose positions will be eliminated.  I feel for these employees and recognize that they are valued members of our team.  We are troubled by the loss of their contributions, but likewise forced to hard decisions by the budget.

Most are aware that two mediators recently retired (in Tampa/TPA and West Palm Beach/WPB), and that the positions were not advertised or filled because of this potential. We also have a currently vacant Judge position in Melbourne.  That vacancy had been advertised and the Statewide Nominating Commission had already advertised the vacancy and their January 2012 meeting when these budget proposals became public. The Commission made nominations for the MEL vacancy, in hopes that the budget would fund that position.  Unfortunately, this vacant judicial position is among those not funded in the 2013 budget. The following will explain what the Florida OJCC will be doing to eliminate the other two mediator positions, and to continue our tradition of providing unparalleled customer service to Floridians despite these changes.

The currently vacant mediator positions in TPA and WPB will be eliminated. Additionally, we will be eliminating the mediator position in Lakeland (District LKL) and one mediator position in Ft. Lauderdale (District FTL), all effective July 1, 2012. This will leave FTL, TPA and WPB each with two mediators. We will continue to provide in-person mediations in LKL. Rob Arthur, mediator in St. Petersburg (District SPT) will be splitting his time between SPT and LKL.  Fortunately, these two offices are geographically situated for effective coverage using this methodology.  We will be calling on other state mediators to devote pre-scheduled days in support of District WPB, whose need for such support is apparent from a recent mediation workload and volume analysis. Should the pleading and scheduling volumes dictate it in the future, we will ask mediators to similarly participate in support of other districts whose force has been reduced by these budget issues (TPA/FTL).

Judge Donna Remsnyder (SPT) this week requested transfer to the currently vacant Melbourne (District MEL) office.  This request has been approved and Judge Remsnyder announced yesterday that she will undertake her duties in MEL on April 1, 2012.  My thanks again to all the Judges that have volunteered for this MEL coverage since Judge Terlizzese's departure.  I am grateful to Judge Remsnyder for her sacrifice in relocating. This is a huge benefit to the OJCC and to Florida.

I am cognizant that the mediation force reduction in FTL, TPA, and WPB will require adjustments, effort and patience from our mediators and staff. I also recognize that there will be some impact on attorneys, claimants, and employers. I appreciate your patience in this process and transition. I am also grateful to the mediators from around the state that have volunteered to provide assistance in other districts.  The process we will use to deliver the services in WPB by out of district mediators will be sent to the effected Judges and mediators soon.

Know that I am proud of the OJCC team and the contributions that they each make to our success.  We will rededicate ourselves to the mission of the OJCC and persevere despite these budget reductions.  The reductions in force in this budget are not a reflection upon the job we do.  They merely reflect the efforts of this legislature to balance a budget in difficult economic times.  If you have questions or comments about the foregoing please feel free to contact me at your convenience.  My email is